Environmental Scientist, Project Manager, European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen, Denmark, paolo.meozzi@eea.eu.int

Extranets are playing an essential role in fulfilling information and communication needs of a growing number of user communities in the environmental arena in Europe. Today the European Environment Agency (EEA) makes extensive use of an extranet program called CIRCLE (Centre for Information Resources for CoLaboration on the Environment) for two main purposes. The first to support the collection of data, information and knowledge for reporting on the state of environment. The second (the subject of this paper) to establish an interface with a number of users such as NGO's, companies, and research groups who can take action in implanting environmental policies. The latter service is called EnviroWindows (EW) and comprises several Interest Groups (IGs) for supporting project development, event organisation, document publishing and sharing. IG activities focus mainly on the "R" (Responses) of the EEA's DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressure, Stress, Impact, Responses) integrated approach. EW is accessible at http://www.eea.eu.int). Users must provide a username and password. In order to become members users must fill in a form on the screen. As of July 1999, there were 18 active IGs dealing with a wide spectrum of environmental subjects.

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