Costs of Information, an Obstacle to Participatory Development

Alejandro Natal

London School of Economics, UK, Colegio Mexiquense, Mexico, and CITIDEP-Mexico/At-Large

Information costs are a major constraint for participatory development particularly in rural areas and in countries where the access and use of information is unequal and expensive.It has become more evident that in societies where some detect the access and control over information the chances to create a more balanced development, i.e., equality, are seriously reduced. Those in control of sources of information or of the codes to analyze and benefit from it are called to be the new elites. In marginalized areas this issue is a mayor condition to promote people's participation on a sustainable and equal basis. However, despite de importance that information related costs play in development, major theories and ongoing development projects in Third World countries seem to be blind to the problems of poor people's access, use and manage of information. If information is to become the single most important resource for development this isse need to be considered. The analysis of Information related constraints in development is a pressing research need and an imperative for policy making. This paper intends to contribute to fill this gap by bringing some reflections and questions to the discussion.

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