The School, the Science Centre and the Internet: Elements of a New Integrated Learning Environment

João Carlos Tedim, tedim@ua.pt

A. Manuel de Oliveira Duarte, duarte@ua.pt

Dept de Electrónica e Telecomunicações, Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal


Frequently it is said that the current levels of education of younger generations is at the lowest level for decades.With almost the same frequency it said that the new information and communication technologies offer the prospect to deliver unprecedented opportunities for improved learning conditions. This contradictory situation has created a widespread belief that promoting the generalised utilisation of information and communication technologies in the school will raise the quality of teaching and learning. As a consequence many countries have launched major initiatives trying to promote the adoption of information and communication technologies as part of the common teaching and learning practices. This paper presents a critical appraisal of one of these initiatives recently launched in Portugal, the so called "Programa Internet nas Escolas" (Internet at School Programme). The study shows that the utilisation of the Internet at schools has changed in a dramatic manner the sense of dimensionality and locality that characterised the school environment in the past. A new public space has emerged out of these initiatives, involving students and teachers in intra and inter schools networks, blended by commonalties of interests, complementarities of knowledge, and by other affinities. However, it is also clear that a number of issues needs a more adequate approach. Accessibility and usability are two such issues:

i) In spite of the increasing penetration of the personal computer in the domestic environment the large majority of families still does not own one;

ii) Having access to a computer does not necessarily means having the capability to use it and take advantage of its utilisation; this can be particularly dramatic in the teacher community above a certain age;

It is also clear from the study that a number of other instruments could be used in order to catalyse the processes of learning and teaching. One of these instruments that deserves a special attention is Science Centres. These institutions have an enormous potential in terms of the motivation-raising effects upon students and also as disseminators of scientific and technological culture. In addition they could provide the adequate environment to dilute the barriers between computer wizard students and some infocommunication illiterate teachers. The articulation between these instruments of learning remains to be done.

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