Internal By-Laws on

How to Join CITIDEP Chapter Foundation and Operation

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How to join CITIDEP:

v 1.3.3

1) The general principle is defined in CITIDEP Constitution: "Membership is open to all people, whether individuals or groups, who identify with the aims of the Center and accept the present Constitution" (Article 6, %1).

2) As a Research Center, CITIDEP priority is to assemble a body of highly qualified and motivated researchers, as well as young students interested in research . However, CITIDEP aims to achieve a strong link between research, education and civil society needs, and therefore it may also admit non-researcher members strongly motivated to contribute to CITIDEP objectives and mission.

3) To become a CITIDEP member, the candidate must follow this procedure:

a) The candidate must read the CITIDEP Constitution and agree to abide by it;

b) The candidate must send his/her CV (Curriculum Vitae resumé) to the Executive Committee, by filling this on-line registration Form (if available), and send also an email addressed to the President or any member of the Executive Committee, with an attached CV file ;

c) The candidate should indicate , if possible, two CITIDEP members that sponsor the application. If this is not done, then 2 qualified members of CITIDEP are needed to sponsor the application, after considering the candidate's CV;

d) The Executive Committee will decide, considering the vote of elected Chapter Executive Committee or coordinator(s) if any, and if accepted, the candidate becames an "Associate" (Aderente) member (details in the Constitution);

e) The new member must then pay whatever fee is in place for the respective chapter:


 Associate members (Aderentes)

 Active members (Efectivos)

 Institutional members (Colectivos)


Join fee: 15 €

Anual dues: 5 €

Join fee: 15 €

Anual dues: 15 €

Join fee: 30 €

Anual dues:

Not-For-Profits: 50 €

All Others: 250 €

 USA Not defined yet Not defined yet Not defined yet
 Mexico Not defined yet Not defined yet Not defined yet

f) After 6 months minimum of membership, the associate member can request the Executive Committee to grant "Active" (Efectivo) member status (with full rights). This request can be repeated any time thereafter, in case it is not granted.

g) In the case of a prolonged absence (more than 12 consecutive months) of any form of participation within CITIDEP by an "Active" member, the Executive Committee may revert this member to the condition of "Associate" member, in equivalent terms of any new member.

4) In all and any circunstance, both the candidate and the Executive Committee must abide by all Norms defined in CITIDEP Constitution, in particular those regarding membership.

CITIDEP Chapter Foundation and Operation By-Laws

v 1.4.1

Chapter Definition | Chapter Operation | Chapter Foundation

1) CITIDEP (International) headquarters are in Lisbon, Portugal (Constitution, article 2), but it may constitute delegations in other regions and countries (C. article 3).

2) CITIDEP members in every country (or region) may create a National (or Regional) Chapter, with autonomy, adapted to the specific local conditions, but sharing the same objectives and mission and acording to CITIDEP Constitution and Internal By-Laws. The (International) Executive Committee must recognize any new Chapter (C. 14 & 2-e)

3) Current CITIDEP Chapters are:

Members not affiliated with one of the formal Chapters, are integrated in a informal World-Wide Chapter:

4) The local governing bodies of each (National or Regional) Chapter are:

a) The Chapter General Assembly, composed of all admitted members of the CITIDEP Chapter.

b) The Chapter Executive Committee, elected at the respective General Assembly, composed of the Chapter's Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer ; and possibly (to be defined in local regulation) two Secretaries.

c) The Chapter Coordinating Committee, composed by the Chapter Executive Committee and all and only those members who are currently and actively responsible for any project or activity approved by the Chapter, or who are representing a regional or local nucleous recognized by the Chapter.

d) Any other body approved by the Chapter General Assembly, either in result of the need to comply with local law, or of a Chapter preference.

5) The functions of Chapter governing bodies are as follows:

a) Chapter governing bodies have similar functions to CITIDEP (International) governing bodies as defined in the Constitution, but restricted to the national (or regional) jurisdiction of the Chapter. In particular, no Chapter decision may contradict a CITIDEP (International) General Assembly decision.

b) Chapter governing bodies are autonomous (regarding CITIDEP Internacional and other Chapters), but must recognize and formally accept CITIDEP objectives and mission and abide by CITIDEP Constitution and By-laws.

c) Member voting rights for each membership type within each Chapter governing body are similar to what is defined in the Constitution for equivalent CITIDEP (International) governing bodies.

d) In particular, the Chapter General Assembly will vote:

d1) The Chapter plan of activities and priorities, with autonomy, but complying with CITIDEP internationally defined objectives and mission;

d2) The Chapter local organization structure and methods, including the amount to pay as annual membership charges (for all colective, active and associate members), managed by the Chapter, and an eventual Chapter-specific internal by-laws; with autonomy, but complying with CITIDEP Constitution and By-laws;

d3) The Chapter Executive Committee's Activity and Finance/Budget Plans and Reports, according to local law and CITIDEP Constitution.

e) In particular, the Chapter Executive Committee must:

e1) Keep local accounting of the Chapter finances, and present to the Chapter General Assembly a report of activities and finance execution, with format and periodicity complying with local laws and CITIDEP Constitution;

e2) Take responsability for all contracts or any other forms of commitment with individuals and entities made in name of the CITIDEP Chapter, and for full compliance with CITIDEP by-laws (Project Management Guidelines and Principles on Responsability in Projects);

e3) Admit, dismiss, and change the category of members (between "Active" and "Associate", according to CITIDEP By-Laws on member admission and with mandatory previous consultation with CITIDEP (Internacional) Executive Committee;

e4) Keep CITIDEP (Internacional) Executive Committe informed, at all times, of all Chapter activities and decisions.

f) In particular, the Chapter Coordinating Commitee must:

f1) Support the Chapter Executive Committee in all activities and projects;

f2) Encourage all members to participate in international CITIDEP meetings and General Assemblies, as well voting, in particular making efforts to secure internet access to all members;

f3) Encourage all members that are involved in research, to participate in CITIDEP multi-national Research Clusters, in particular the members with a PhD to become members of CITIDEP Science Council;

f4) Publish their own Chapter web internet page (or pages), and contribute to the international www CITIDEP site. In case a Chapter has trouble in securing web space in a local server, the International Executive Committee will concede room in the International CITIDEP web site for a National Chapter page.

6) The institutional relationship between CITIDEP (International) and its (National or Regional) Chapters is ruled by the following mandatory norms:

a) All (National or Regional) Chapters must contribute to the budget of CITIDEP International, with ammounts according to a common formula established by and for all Chapters, but no less than 5% of all sources of funding subject to overhead, as defined in CITIDEP By-laws on Overhead. Conversely, all Chapters are eligible to receive funds from CITIDEP International, according to the approved budget in CITIDEP (International) General Assembly.

b) All public statements in name of CITIDEP made by National (or Regional) Chapters, regarding scientific matters or any other matters that may impact on CITIDEP public image, must be preceded by consultation of, respectively, the CITIDEP Science Council, or the International Executive Committee, as indicated in the Constitution.

c) Until a CITIDEP Chapter is legally registered in its country (or region) and the Chapter Executive Committee is registered as the legal responsible for it, any and all Chapter decisions that may have legal consequences must obtain previous written agreement from CITIDEP (International) Executive Committee.

d) In case of contradition between Chapter decisions and CITIDEP (International) decisions:

d1) Prevails a decision by the International Executive Committee in all matters where it may be in question the public image of CITIDEP and also in all matters whose consequences may reach outside the national (or regional) Chapter jurisdiction;

d2) Prevails a decision by the Chapter's governing bodies in all cases not included in b), c) and d1);

d3) In general, it always prevails, in all cases, a decision by CITIDEP (International) General Assembly where such contradition was explicitly made part of the Assembly's agenda. The International Executive Committee must accept any Chapter request to convene such a (Injternational) General Assembly, within 3 (three) months maximum of the request.

7) The foundation procedure of a new CITIDEP Chapter is as follows:

a) A new Chapter cannot be formally recognized until is elected a Chapter Executive Committee, in accordance with this by-laws. During the transition period, the Chapter Coordinating Committe will function as "Organizing Committee", composed of all responsibles (preferably elected) of all Chapter's local nuclei, projects and activities, recognized as such by CITIDEP (International) Executive Committee.

b) The mandatory steps of the "Organizing Committee" in order to complete the Chapter Foundation process, are:

b1) The translation of CITIDEP Constitution and By-laws to the national mother language, introducing only the minimum changes needed to comply with local laws;

b2) The census and contact with all registered CITIDEP Chapter members (admitted by CITIDEP International Executive Committee in accordance with respective by-laws), including them all in a Chapter "mailing list" where it must circulate all information regarding the Chapter;

b3) The existence of at least one list of 3 members, candidate to Chapter Executive Committee, which should submit to the vote of all Chapter members with voting rights, together with at least a minimum Chapter Activity Plan proposal;

b4) The convening of the Chapter General Assembly with a specific elections agenda, to elect the Chapter's Executive Commitee and vote the Activity Plan.

c) Until the election of the Chapter Executive Committee (CEC), in full compliance with this by-laws, CITIDEP International Executive Committee (IEC) will assume its (CEC) function when needed, designating at least one of its (IEC) members to integrate and support the Chapter Organizing Committee.

d) As soon as possible and convenient (but not mandatory before the election of the Chapter Executive Committee), the Organizing Committee or the elected Chapter Executive Committee should proceed to registrate legally the CITIDEP Chapter in the respective country (or region), according to local laws, based on the translation of the CITIDEP Constitution above referred (introducing only the minimum changes needed to comply with local laws). visitas:

Introduction | Activities | Research | Organization | Information