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Research Center on Information Technology and Participatory Democracy

Frequently Asked Questions


Objectives FAQ
Research FAQ
Organization FAQ
Chapters FAQ
Membership FAQ

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FAQ on CITIDEP Objectives and Mission:

What is CITIDEP Mission?
What is CITIDEP Constitution?
What is CITIDEP General Plan of Activities?
What are CITIDEP Research Goals?
What is CITIDEP Research Agenda?
What are examples of CITIDEP Projects?

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What is CITIDEP Mission?

CITIDEP is the acronym composed of the portuguese initials for "Research Center on Information Technologies and Participatory Democracy".

CITIDEP is a private, non-profit, multi-national research institution, whose primary objective is to study participatory democracy, in particular through the research, development and demonstration of new information technologies, of its impacts, and of the ethical, social, political and planning frameworks that enable participatory mechanisms in the information society.

Our Constitution (article 4) defines this specifically:

"The Center has as its primary objectives to foster citizenship, preserve our heritage, and protect the environment, studying and promoting processes of participatory democracy, especially through:

a) the research and development of new information technologies and political, administrative and planning frameworks that facilitate these processes;
b) the organization, management, and rendering of services and products related to its social objectives, in (all) countries; and
c) the representation of its members and all necessary logistical support systems within national (...) and international contexts."

To make this contribution to science and society, CITIDEP faces the challenge of combining research on technology and engineering with research on social sciences and humanities, keeping a focus on participatory democracy and information technologies; and the no lesser challenge of linking such research to concrete measures in support of the civil society.

These challenges, together with CITIDEP international scope, create good conditions for a highly motivated body of researchers; but they also imply an adequate institutional and organizational framework, as well proper research methodologies and tools. This is a challenge in itself, as it is to identify a consistent but viable funding strategy. In consequence, one important goal we also embrace is to study, develop and put in practice innovative forms of:

a) Institutional functioning, linking researchers with practitioners and activists, without compromising academic quality, rigor and scientific credibility;

b) Institutional cooperation and partnerships, working closely with universities and research institutes but also with industry, non-governmental organizations, public administration and government, linking research with service provision, without compromising CITIDEP independence and credibility;

c) Multi-nodal organization, remote collaborative tools and methodologies for national and multinational teams working in different sites, without compromising effectiveness, efficiency and the quality of the product;

d) Research methodologies for multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams, without compromising depth and rigor of the work produced.

Accordingly, CITIDEP Constitution (article 5) enumerate what the Center proposes to do, for the purpose of pursuing its objectives:

a) Organize and develop disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies and research projects;

b) Offer grants for research and study, including for masters and doctoral study, and host and orient grantees of the Center itself or other institutions;

c) Collaborate with educational institutions to develop new curriculum materials on these issues;

d) Sponsor and collaborate with other scientific institutions in the holding of colloquia, conferences, and seminars, with the aim of fostering debate and furthering knowledge on these issues;

e) Promote and collaborate in training activities;

f) Constitute a Documentation Center, with access to international computer networks;

g) Contribute to research and development of computer-based tools in support of participatory democracy;

h) Inform public opinion and raise public awareness, through its own publications, including those with international circulation, and through the general mass media;

i) Provide services that help to promote participatory democracy, as well as related research and development activities;

j) Promote and collaborate in initiatives that lead to legislative reform in the area of new technologies and participatory democracy;

k) Collaborate with public institutions, such as national, regional and local administrations and parliaments, as well federate multinational institutions such as the (...) United Nations, and others;

l) Support individual citizens and citizens' groups in processes of public consultation, namely in the evaluation of environmental impact studies and of master plans.

Related FAQs:
What is CITIDEP research agenda?
What kinds of members contribute to CITIDEP mission?
Who can became a CITIDEP member?
How is CITIDEP organized?

Related Documents:
CITIDEP Constitution
Introduction to CITIDEP
CITIDEP Research Goals
CITIDEP Research Clusters
CITIDEP General Activity Plan


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FAQ on CITIDEP Research:

What are CITIDEP Research Goals?
What is CITIDEP Research Agenda?
What are current CITIDEP Projects?
What has CITIDEP Published?
What have CITIDEP members published?
What is CITIDEP Mission?

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FAQ on CITIDEP Organization:

How is CITIDEP Organized?
Who are CITIDEP Directors (Board)?

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FAQ on CITIDEP Chapters:

What is a CITIDEP Chapter?
Which Countries have CITIDEP Chapters ?
How does a CITIDEP Chapter Work?
How to Create a Chapter?

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Current CITIDEP Chapters:

Members not affiliated with one of the formal Chapters, are integrated in a informal World-Wide Chapter:

Which integrate a net of "Country Correspondents".

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FAQ on CITIDEP Membership:

Who can become a member of CITIDEP?
What are the categories of CITIDEP membership?
What kinds of members contribute to CITIDEP mission?
How to became a CITIDEP member?

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Who can become a member of CITIDEP?

CITIDEP Constitution (C.) and Admission Bylaws (B.) define who can become a CITIDEP member.

Membership is open to all people, whether individuals or groups, who identify with the aims of the Center and accept the present Constitution (C. 6, %1).

As a Research Center, CITIDEP priority is to assemble a body of highly qualified and motivated researchers, as well as young students interested in research . However, CITIDEP aims to achieve a strong link between research, education and civil society needs, and therefore it may also admit non-researcher members strongly motivated to contribute to CITIDEP objectives and mission. (B. 2)

Proposals for admission of new members must be presented by two Active or Founding members of the Center, including the candidate's Curriculum Vitae, and be submitted for the approval of the Executive Committee (C. 7, %5). In the absence of this proposal, then 2 qualified CITIDEP members are needed to sponsor the application, after considering the candidate's CV. (B. 3-c)

If the new member is joining a formal CITIDEP Chapter, then the (International) Executive Committee will decide on the admission taking into consideration the vote of the respective elected Chapter Executive Committee, or of its Organizing Committee, whatever the case. (B. 3-d)

All members are admitted as Associate or Honorary members (with limited rights). The change of status to Active member (with full rights), at the request of the member, can only take place six months after the date of admission. (C. 7, %5)

Related FAQs:
What are the categories of CITIDEP membership?
How to became a CITIDEP member?
What kinds of members contribute to CITIDEP mission?
What is CITIDEP Mission?
How is CITIDEP organized?
What is a CITIDEP Chapter?

Related Documents:
CITIDEP Constitution
CITIDEP Admissions Bylaws
Introduction to CITIDEP


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What are the categories of CITIDEP membership?

According to our Constitution (C.) and Bylaws (B.) CITIDEP has four categories of members, Founding, Active, Associate and Honorary:

a) Founding members are individuals who have participated actively in creating and establishing the Center, did not hold any positions of active political / associative leadership at the time the Center was established, and subscribed the present Constitution at the Founding General Assembly. (C. 6, %3)

b) Active members are individuals or groups who, collaborating regularly in the activities of the Center and fulfilling all the duties defined in the Constitution and the internal bylaws, are recognized as members by the Center, and thus enjoy full rights of membership.(C. 6, %4)

c) Honorary members are individuals or groups who are accepted as such by the Center, given their recognized merit, competence, and prestige in areas related to the objectives of the Center.(C. 6, %5)

d) Associate members are individuals or groups who identify with the goals of the Center, and who the Center may decide to admit as candidates to become Active members.(C. 6, %6)

Founding members enjoy all the privileges given by this Constitution to Active members, plus those privileges inherent to them as special supporters in the pursuit of the goals of the Center. The loss of membership, even if temporary, implies the loss of status as Founding member.(C. 6, %7)

Associate and Honorary members enjoy the right to participate in all aspects of the activities of the Center, without having, however, the right to be elected to office, or vote at the General Assembly.(C. 6, %8). Given the non-elected nature of the Coordinating Committee, Associate and Honorary members may belong to the Coordinating Committee, with voting rights, as all other members. (C. 15, %5)

All members are admitted as Associate or Honorary members. The change of status to Active member, at the request of the member, can only take place six months after the date of admission. (C. 7, %5)

Admission and dismissal of members, as well as the approving change of status from Associate to Active member, is the responsibility of the Executive Committee, acting by qualified majority vote.(C. 7, %5)

In the case of a prolonged absence (more than 12 consecutive months) of any form of participation within CITIDEP by an "Active" member, the Executive Committee may revert this member to the condition of "Associate" member, in equivalent terms of any new member.(B. 3-g)

Related FAQs: How to became a CITIDEP member?
How is CITIDEP organized?

Related Documents: CITIDEP Constitution
CITIDEP Admissions Bylaws


citidep@netcabo.pt visitas:

Introduction | Activities | Research | Organization | Information