CITIDEP is a private, non-profit scientific and technological organization with headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal, but open to researchers from any country in the world, through national chapters and multi-national research clusters.
CITIDEP's organization units can be viewed in the diagram on the left.
CITIDEP has currently about 90 affiliates, in 10 countries, with 3 organized chapters (Portugal, USA and Mexico) and other soon to be (France). All Chapters share common objectives and principles and by-laws (Constitution, Chapters Regulation), but are otherwise autonomous.
In this page you can find an overview of our organization, and a CITIDEP
personal directory (Click names to see picture and 'business card').
Composed of all members. It is the highest decision instance of CITIDEP; voting members elect every 2 years the Board of Directors, review and aprove CITIDEP budget and activity plans.
Executive Committee: (funções) (role)
Leads and coordinates CITIDEP activities. It is the highest decision instance between General Assembly meetings; one of its functions is to designate Science Council members.
Review Committee: (funções) (role)
Reviews the activities and finances managed by the Executive Committee.
General Assembly Presidency: (funções) (role)
Summons and presides over the General Assembly meetings.
Science Council: (funções) (role)
Presides over and coordinates all CITIDEP scientific activity; elaborates and aproves the CITIDEP General Research Plan; concedes and reviews CITIDEP research grants. The Science Council elects a President, or Chair.
Socio-Economic Advisory Council: (funções) (role)
Committee composed of invited representatives of NGO's, of social institutions and of businesses related to CITIDEP activities in support of the civil society.
Acts in support of the Executive Committee and the Science Council to manage and coordinate projects, resources, and promote CITIDEP Chapter organization. The Coordinating Committee is composed of the Executive Committee and the Chapters / Nuclei Coordinating Committees, who includes all Project and Task Coordinators.
Portugal Chapter: (48 members)
Portugal Coordinating Committee:
USA Chapter: (23 members)
USA Coordinating Committee:
Mexico Chapter: (12 members)
Mexico Coordinating Committee:
At-Large Chapter: (9 members)
This "rest of the world" informal Chapter integrates all CITIDEP members not organized yet in a National Chapter.
At-Large Coordinating Committee:
France Chapter: (9 members)
France Organizing Committee: | visitas: |
Introduction | Activities | Research | Organization | Information