Pedro Ferraz de Abreu
MIT - Dept. Urban Studies and Planning, USA
CITIDEP - Centro de Investigação de Tecnologias de Informação para uma Democracia Participativa, Portugal
Indice Geral |
Introdução | Problema | Metodologia | Fases de Execução | Sistema | Taxonomias | Experiência | Discussão de resultados | Conclusão | Agradecimentos | Bibliografia | Anexos |
Eis a principais referências bibliográficas deste trabalho:
[Aiken 91]. "Integrating Expert Systems with Group Decision Support Systems". M. Aiken,O. Sheng,D. Vogel. ACM transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 9, No1, pp 75-95. 1991.
[Antunes 92]. "HyperAIA - an Integrated System for Environmental Impact Assessment". M.P. Antunes,A.S. Camara. GASA, Dep. of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, FCT, New University of Lisbon. Journal of Environmental Management, 1992, 35. 1992.
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[Bourne 89]. "Intelligent Hypertutoring in Engineering". J.R. Bourne, J. Cantwell, A.J. Brodersen, B. Antao, A. Koussis, Y. Huang. Vanderbit University. Academic Computing, pag.18, Sept 1989.
[Brachman 85]. "Readings in Knowledge Representation". R.J. Brachman, H.J. Levesque. AT&T Bell Lab, University of Toronto. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.. 1985.
[Bradley 89]. "The Implementation of EEC Directive 85/337/EEC on the Effects of Certain Public and Private Projects on the Environment in Ireland - A Perspective". M.D.K. Bradley. Acting Head of School, Food Science and Environmental Health, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland. Environmental Impact Assessment Rev. 1989; 9, pag. 125-133. 1989.
[Camara 89]. "A Decision Support System for the Tejo Estuary". A. S. Camara. GASA - Grupo de Analise de Sistemas Ambientais, Dep. Ciencias e Engenharia do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia da UNL, Quinta da Torre, 2825 Monte da Caparica, Portugal. 1989.
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[Ferraz de Abreu 89]. "Intelligent Graphic Interface : Capturing rules of human-computer interaction in a knowledge base". Pedro Ferraz de Abreu. M.I.T.. MS Thesis. Media Laboratory, MIT, 15 July 1989.
[Ferraz de Abreu 91a]. "Consequences of Shortfalls of Infrastructure Services During Rapid Urbanization - I, II". Pedro Ferraz de Abreu. MIT. Research Notes, for MIT Graduate Tutorial 11.982, with Prof. Ralph Gakenheimer. 1991.
[Ferraz de Abreu 91b]. "The HyperBrowser project: applications and features". Pedro Ferraz de Abreu. MIT, DUSP - CRL,LNETI. Working paper. DUSP - PSS, MIT. 1991.
[Ferraz de Abreu 91c]. "The Rude Awakening of the Recycling Adventurers". Pedro Ferraz de Abreu. Dep. Urban Studies and Planning, MIT. The Breakfast Papers #2,1991, DUSP MIT. 1991.
[Ferraz de Abreu 92]. "Gathering computer-based information within a non-standardized information infrastructure environment". Pedro Ferraz de Abreu. Dep. Urban Studies and Planning, MIT. DUSP, MIT. 1992.
[Ferraz de Abreu 95]. "Metadata for Intelligent Multimedia Sustems". Pedro Ferraz de Abreu, IMS Project Working Documents, MIT DUSP, USA, 1995.
[Ferraz de Abreu 96]. "Participacion y Democracia. La toma de decisiones sociales en la nueva Sociedad de Información". Pedro Ferraz de Abreu. Conferência "Desarrollo, Democracia Y Comunicación", Toluca, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Outubro 1996.
[Ferraz de Abreu 97]. "Current Challenges in Environmental Impact Assessment Evaluation in Portugal, and the Role of New Information Technologies: -- The Case of S. João da Talha's Incinerator for Solid Urban Waste In Machado". Pedro Ferraz de Abreu, Beatriza Chito. In J. Reis & Ahern, Jack (eds). 1997. Environmental Challenges in an Expanding Urban World: and the Role of Emerging Information Technologies. National Centre for Geographical Information (CNIG), Lisboa, Portugal. 538 pages, pp 1-11.
[Ferreira 90]. "Database Management Tools for Planning". Ferreira, J.Jr. MIT. Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 56, No.1,1990. 1990.
[Ferté 93]. "Public Involvement in Nuclear Decisions". J. Ferté. The OECD Observer, 180, Feb.March 1993, pp 12-14. 1993.
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[Heylighen 91]. "Design of a hypermedia interface translating between associative and formal representations". Francis Heylighen. Free University of Brussels, Pleinlaan, Belgium. journal of Man-Machine Studies (1991) 35, pag. 491-515. 1991.
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[Rebordao 89]. "As Tecnologias de Informação e o Poder Deslocalizado". José Manuel Rebordão. INETI, Portugal. A Ideia, #50, Jan 1989.
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[Rua 93]. "A Consulta Publica no Processo de Avaliação de Impacte Ambiental: A Experiencia Portuguesa". Jorge Rua. Eng. Ambiente, Adjunto do Ministro do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais, Portugal. Encontro sobre Consulta Pública no Processo de Avaliação do Imapcte Ambiental, 25 Maio 1993.
[Sapienza 93]. "Le Rôle du Public dans le Processus d'Evaluation Environmentale Prévu par la Directive 85/337/CEE". G. Sapienza. Administrateur Principal,Commission des Communautés Europénnes. Encontro sobre Consulta Pública no Processo de Avaliação do Imapcte Ambiental, 25 Maio 1993.
[Schiffer 92]. "Towards a collaborative planning system". Michael Schiffer. MIT. Environment and Planning B - Planning and Design, Vol.19, pp 709-722, 1992.
[Sheate 91]. "Public Participation: The key to Effective Environmental Assessment". W.R. Sheate. National Campaigns Officer, Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE), London. Environmental Policy and Law, 21/3/4, 1991.
[Srinivasan 93]. "Concept Oriented Spatial Multimedia Query and Navigation". Padmini Srinivasan,Ravi A. Padaki. Computer Science Dep. and Center for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana,Lafayette, LA 70504-1771, 1993.
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[Vasconcelos 93]. "Difficulties in Integrating 'Hostile' Data in Environmental Decisions: the case of the new bridge over the Tagus river". Lia T. Vasconcelos. GASA, Dep. of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, FCT, New University of Lisbon. ACSP, 1993.
[Vlachos 93]. "North American Experiences with Public Participation". Evan Vlachos. Colorado State University,Fort Collins, CO 80523. Encontro sobre Consulta Publica no Proceso de Avaliação Ambiental, 25 Maio 1993.
[Wiggins 90]. "Planning with Hypermedia". Lyna Wiggins, M. Shiffer. MIT. in APA Journal, Spring 1990, pp 226-235. 1990.
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