Research projects Conferences Papers Thesis Documents
Research projects:
Planned Conferences:
- e-Planning for Digital Transition, MIT, November 2024
Past Conferences:
LI>International Conference on Public Participation and Information Technologies (ICPPIT23), MIT, 9-10, 13 November 2023, Cambridge, USA" target="_new">
Fall 2023 Seminar on e-Planning, MIT, September-December 2023
- Conference on "The Future Of The Past In Academia And Society", Berkeley, University of California and University of Chicago, September 17-18, 2022
- Collaborative Planning, Participation, Collective Evaluation and Decisions Making Process, IV International Conference of Community Participation in Planning, UA, 22-23 February 2017.
- Jornadas e-Planning 2014, FC-UL, Lisboa, organized by e-Planning Consortium (UL, UNL, UA), 28 Fevereiro 2014,
- International e-Planning Workshop 2012, FC-UL, Lisbon, organized by e-Planning Consortium (UTL, UL, UNL, UA), 23 April 2012
- Jornadas e-Planning 2011, FLAD, Lisboa, organized by e-Planning Consortium (UTL, UL, UNL, UA), 14 Dezembro 2011
- Jornadas e-Planning 2010, FLAD, Lisboa, organized by e-Planning Consortium (UTL, UL, UNL, UA), 7 Novembro 2010
- "Personal exposure to air pollutants: Research, Policies and Awareness through participatory science and education", III International EuroLifeNet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14 November 2009
- "Jornadas em Cidadania Digital", organized by Sociedade Portuguesa de Comunicação, CAPP-ISCSP, LabTecCS, at ISCSP-UTL, Lisboa, Portugal, 19 March 2009
- International ePlanning Colloquium, "Technology with Social Sciences", MIT-Portugal, ISCSP-UTL, Lisbon, Portugal, 27 March 2008.
- II International EuroLifeNet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 1 June 2007
- IV Curso Livre - Culturas do Desenvolvimento e Cidadania . Módulo 1: Olhares Sobre a Educação, o Desenvolvimento e a Globalização, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 10 -11 December 2004
- Conferência Nacional do Ambiente 2004, at Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon, Portugal, organized by the New University of Lisbon - DCEA/FCT/UNL (November 2004)
- International Conference on Public Participation and Information Technologies 2003, 10-12 November 2003, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, organized by the Dept. Urban Studies and Planning, MIT and the Research Center on Information Technology and Participatory Democracy - CITIDEP (November 2003)
- III Encontro de Investigadores Portugueses in Faro, Portugal, organized by The International Forum of Portuguese Researchers - FIIP and the University of Algarve (April 2001)
- Foro Internacional sobre Ciudadania Migrante y Democracia, Guanajuato, Mexico, organized by the Research Center for Social Studies (CICSUG), Universidad de Guanajuato (March 2001)
- Encontro "Internet na Escola", Odivelas, Portugal, organized by the Municipality of Odivelas (February 2001).
- "Public Libraries and New Technologies: How to fight info-poor exclusion?", Lisbon, Portugal, organized by the Research Center on Information Technology and Participatory Democracy - CITIDEP and the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Lisbon (October 2000)
- International Conference on Public Participation and Information Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal, organized by the Research Center on Information Technology and Participatory Democracy - CITIDEP and the New University of Lisbon - DCEA/FCT/UNL (October 1999)
- Contemporary Portugal: reflecting on 25 years of Democracy, Darthmouth, USA, organized by the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture, University of Massachusetts / Darthmouth (October 1999)
- "II Encontro de Cientistas Radicados no Estrangeiro" in Açores, Portugal, organized by The International Forum of Portuguese Researchers - FIIP and the University of Açores (September 1998)
- "Desarrollo Social En Mexico. Hacia Un Camino Sustentable" in Toluca, Mexico, organized by COPOED and the Universidad Autonoma del Estado del Mexico / Toluca (October 1996)
Books, Papers and other Publications / Communications
Listed by type
By date:
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2024), Por Um Mundo Novo, a Sério - Uma Ideologia Progressista no Sec. XX, baseada na Ciência e na Experiência dos Movimentos Sociais. Edições Colibri, 350 paginas, ISBN: 9789895664009, Abril 2024 [Prefacio Colectivo]
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2023), "Technology in Planning: we need a Theoretical Framework", MIT Fall Term e-Planning Speaker Series "Urban Science and Digital Transition: e-Planning, twenty years later", December 4, MIT, Cambridge, USA [slides]
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2023), "The Cost of Free: Understanding the new equation relating technology, market economy, regulation, privacy and power". MIT Fall Term e-Planning Speaker Series "Urban Science and Digital Transition: e-Planning, twenty years later", MIT, October 2023. [Summary]
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2022), 'Hard' sciences, engineering and social sciences: Shaken, not stirred, in Conference on "The Future Of The Past In Academia And Society", Berkeley, University of California and University of Chicago, September 17-18, 2022
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. et al (2022). "e-Planning: Why, When, How, What ,Who", CITIDEP. First edition: 2009.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. et al (2021), "e-Planning & Ubiquity / e-Planeamento & Ubiquidade", 388pp, C-Press, 2021, ISBN 9789899866133
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021), "Towards an integrated research approach:The problem life-cycle and transdisciplinary frameworks", in "e-Planning & Ubiquidade", C-Press, 2021, pp247-268, ISBN 9789899866102
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021), Brief quotes and references, relating MIT Schwarzman College 2018/19 with e-Planning 1992-2008, in "e-Planning & Ubiquity", C-Press, 2021, pp32-33, ISBN 9789899866102
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021), "ePlanning & Ubiquidade - uma sintese", in "e-Planning & Ubiquidade", C-Press, 2021, pp269-276, ISBN 9789899866102
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. , Fidalgo Gonalves, J., Maia, A., Feitosa, Z. (2021), "Um Modelo e-Planning de Consulta Publica na Administração Local e Regional: O Caso Brasilia2060", in "e-Planning & Ubiquidade", C-Press, 2021, ISBN 9789899866102
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. & Saeger, E. (2021) "e-Planning Participatory Science Methodology: The EuroLifeNet Project - 2009", in "e-Planning & Ubiquidade", C-Press, 2021, pp113-130, ISBN 9789899866102
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021), e-Planning & Transdisciplinaridade: Intervenção na Assembleia da Republica (2019), e-Planning News, Fev. 2019, in "e-Planning & Ubiquity / e-Planeamento & Ubiquidade", pp293-319, C-Press, 2021, ISBN 9789899866133
- Ferraz de Abreu, P., Moreira, J., Carneiro, M. et al (2021) "Livro Verde sobre As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação ao Serviço de um Desenvolvimento Sustentável e da Inclusão Social no Espaço da CPLP, in "e-Planning & Ubiquidade", C-Press, 2021, ISBN 9789899866102
- Moreira, J., & Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021) "O Atlantico Digital em Português: A geografia da lingua como potenciador das novas TIC, para o desenvolvimento inclusivo e coeso da comunidade", in "e-Planning & Ubiquidade", pp.289-293, C-Press, 2021, ISBN 9789899866102
- Pinheiro de Souza, K. ; Santos da Silva, R, ; Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2018), "Ciência Na Praça: Um Diálogo Com a Responsabilidade e Inovação Na Pesquisa", e-curriculum - v. 16, n. 2 (2018), Qualis A - CAPES, e-ISSN 1809-3876,DOI:10.23925/1809-3876.2018v16i2p315-340 (
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2018) "Citizen & Capital Mobility Today: The e-Planning Framework", Keynote , IX PostGraduate Conference on Management, Hospitality & Tourism, ESGHT-ISCAL, Ualg, 6 July 2018.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2017) "e-Planning: The Pursuit of Happiness Colocar as TIC ao Servio de uma Sociedade Melhor", comunicao convidada, CTI - Renato Archer, Min. Ciencia , Campinas, Brasil, 17 de Maio 2017.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2017) "Gathering environmental indicators through participatory science: The e-Planning approach", in Collaborative Planning, Participation, Collective Evaluation and Decisions Making Process, IV International Conference of Community Participation in Planning, UA, 22-23 February 2017.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2017) "e-Planning e inclusão sustent´vel: Desafios e oportunidades da revolução tecnologica informacional", Palestra convidada, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brasil, 11 de Maio 2017.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2017) "e-Planning for AAL (Active Assisted Living): Strategy & Design", comunicao no Evento e-Planning "A Tecnologia ao servico da qualidade de vida dos cidados idosos", Sala Henry Dunant, Cruz Vermelha de Portugal, Lisboa, 31 de Marco 2017.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2017) "Desenvolver Tecnologia para uma Sociedade mais Justa Alguns exemplos", Palestrante convidado para o tema "Pesquisas Tecnológicas para Desenvolvimento Social", Colóquio "Ciência na Praça", Universidade do Trabalho Digital (UTD), Fortaleza - CE, Brasil. 10 Março 2017.
- Savoldi, F., Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2016). "Bullying, cyber-bullying and Internet usage among young people in post-conflict Belfast". Journal "Cogent Social Sciences", ISSN 2331-1886, January 2016.
- Medeiros de Lima, H. & Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2016). "O potencial do uso de novas tecnologias de comunicação digital via satelite no espaço da Comunidade dos Pases de Lingua Portuguesa (CPLP)", CRPP 2016, 1(10), pp 2-21, ISSN 2183-8380
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2015). "Cidade inteligente não prospera em território atrasado", Comunicação convidada, Workshop "e-Planning Territórios Sustentáveis", IBICT - Ministério da Ciência e Inovação, Brasilia , 22-24 de Junho 2015.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (ed.) (2015). "Cities, Citizens & Technology", C Press, FC-UL, 2015, ISBN 978-989-98661-1-9.
- Sousa Rocha, M., Ferraz de Abreu, P., Roque, S. (2015). "From Territorial Asymmetry to Digital Asymmetry", in "Cities, Citizens and Technology", C Press, ISBN 9789899866119
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2015). "Knowledge representation of infrastructure shortfalls: Models for expert & citizen input". Journal of Participatory Science (JPS), 1(8), pp. 43-54, ISSN 2183-8399.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014) "New Technologies - Smart Cities", UrbAct Thematic Expert Report, ENTER.HUB, European Network exploiting Territorial Effects of Railway Hubs, UrbAct December 2014
- Savoldi, F., Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014). "Internet, social capital and e-inclusion in the post-conflict Belfast. Expectations of community workers". Journal of Urban Technology (JUT) Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, pages 49-66, ISSN 1063-0732, DOI 10.1080/10630732.2014.940712
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014). "10 Recommendations on Smart Technologies and Cities", ENTER.HUB Newsletter, n5, June / July 2014.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014) "Investigação, Ensino, Transferência de Conhecimento na área de Inclusão Digital - Desenvolvimento Rural Equilibrado com as Cidades na Luta pela Erradicação da Pobreza". Palestra convidada, Secretaria do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SDA|CODET), Arca das Letras e Casa Digital do Campo, Ceará, Brasil, 22 Maio 2014
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014) "Tecnologias a serviço da Inclusão Social: Inversão da lógica entre Inclusão Digital e Inclusão Informacional". Palestra convidada, IBICT, Brasilia, 13 Maio 2014
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014) "Inteligência Distribuida, ou Serviços Digitais dos Cidadãos para a Sociedade", Comunicação convidada, Painel 2: "Serviços Digitais para o Cidadão" , Conferência Rio Smart Cities 2014, Rio de Janeiro, 12-13 Maio 2014.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014). "Introduction to New Technologies - Smart Cities", UrbAct Thematic Expert communication, ENTER.HUB Workshop, Lugano, 20-21 February 2014
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014). "A ‘Peste Grisalha’ e nova ‘Solução Final’ em curso", CRPP , 1(9), pp 12-20, ISSN 2183-8380. Fevereiro 2013 (1a edio).
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. et al (2013). "Projectos e-Planning - as primeiras Jornadas / e-Planning Projects - the first steps", C Press, 2013 ISBN 978-989-98661-0-2.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2012). "O amadurecer da primavera arabe - a crise no Egipto", CRPP, 1(8), pp 16-27, ISSN 2183-8380.
- Savoldi, F. & Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2012). "Technopolitic: sophistication and new dichotomies. The Governments' response to the activists, raises emerging issues.", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2012). "Les enjeux et les limites de la démocratie participative via les TIC". Séminaire 'Les TIC et la Ville de demain - Comment les technologies numériques transforment-elles la ville et les pratiques urbaines?', 28 Septembre 2012, JINU, Institut Franais d'Urbanisme, U. Paris, 2012
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2012). "Geopolitica da Sociedade de Informação: As TIC e Estratégias de Desenvolvimento", Keynote at EGGPEL, Estados Gerais da Gestão nos Pases de Expressão Latina, Lisboa, 22-23-24 de Março de 2012, Centro de Congressos do Estoril, Portugal, 2012
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2011). "Programa EuroLifeNet: Um novo paradigma de colheita de indicadores ambientais através de cincia participativa". Comunicação ao Encontro Cientfico - Uma questão de ambiente, saúde e cidadania insular. 7 Dezembro 2011, Universidade dos Aç'ores, Centro de Ciencia, Angra do Heroismo, Portugal.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2011). "Towards an integrated research approach : The problem life-cycle". CAPP-ISCSP-UTL, 27 April 2011
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2010), "Building Knowledge Capacity with ICT in the Urban Context", guest communication at the Conference "Les technologies de réalité mixte au service du projet urbain : Rencontre autour du projet IP CITY", ENSA-V, Université Paris-Est, 10 November 2010, France
- Ferraz de Abreu, P., Peixoto, A-S. (2009). "IMS (Intelligent Multimedia System) Aplicado ás Eleições Europeias", CAPP-TSG, ISCSP-UTL, Maio 2009.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2009). "The EuroLifeNet Method For Sustainable Policy Making and Enforcement". "Cleanair Seminar", European Environmental Bureau (EEB), 14-15 December 2009, London, UK..
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2009). "The Promises and Challenges of Participatory Science: Lessons from EuroLifeNet", International Conference on Personal exposure to air pollutants: Research, Policies and Awareness through participatory science and education, IES-JRC, CITIDEP, CAPP. 13-14 November 2009, ISCSP-UTL, Lisbon.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2009). "TIC, Cidadania e Participação: A Tecnologia Não é Neutra". Conferência Internacional 'Cidadania Digital', Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 19 Março 2009.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2008), "Água com Cidadania e Tecnologia: Agitar, não (basta) Misturar - (Shaken, not Stirred)", 9 Congresso da Água, Mesa Redonda "Cidades do Futuro e Serviços de Água", APRH (Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hidricos), Lisbon, Portugal, 3 April 2008.
Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2008). "As TIC e Uma Nova Dimensão do Território". Seminário "Territórios e uma Nova Razão" , Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL), Instituto Superior de Agronomia, 23 Junho 2008
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2008), "e-Planning Agenda" , International ePlanning Colloquium, "Technology with Social Sciences", MIT-Portugal, ISCSP-UTL, Lisbon, Portugal, 27 March 2008.
- Saeger, E., Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2007), "Preliminary results from EuroLifeNet 2006-2207 Campaigns: Political and Scientific Context", II International EuroLifeNet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 1 June 2007.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2006), "EuroLifeNet: a Multidisciplinary Challenge on Environment-Education-Citizenship". APHEIS - Air Pollution-Health-Environment Information System Meeting, invited communication by the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of the Joint Research Centre (IES-JRC) of the European Comission, Ispra, Italy, 7 June 2006.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2006), "Programa EuroLifeNet: Um novo paradigma de interligação Ambiente - Saúde - Educação - Cidadania". Invited communication by UNESCO, Conferência Internacional 'Activar o Futuro: Objectivos e Estratégias da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável', ICS, Lisboa, 14-15 December 2006.
- Field, RA; Ballesta, P Pérez; Caracena, A Baeza; Nikolova, I; Connolly, R; Cao, N; Gerboles, M; Buzica, D; Amantini, L; Lagler, F; Borowiak, A; Marelli, L; De Santi, G; De Saeger, E; with, co-authored; Ferraz de Abreu, P.; et al (2005). "Population exposure to Air pollutants in Europe (PEOPLE) Methodological strategy and basic results". Joint Research Centre, European Commission,. 2005
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2005), ""Consulta Pública em Avaliação de Impactes Ambientais como o choque tecnológico se transforma num choque institucional", Guest Talk, Ordem dos Engenheiros, Conselho Regional do Colégio de Engenharia do Ambiente, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 May 2005
- Ferraz de Abreu, P., Medina Silva, I., Fonseca, T. (2004), "CITIDEP Project 'PEOPLE-Citizenship', METROPOLIS Workshop: "Information - Communication - Awareness - Education", European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC-IES), Ispra, Italy, June 2004
- Fonseca, T., Ferraz de Abreu, P. , Costa, D., Liquito, C., Medina Silva, I. (2003), "Promoting citizenship in schools through an european environmental study and using new technologies: the PEOPLE-Citizenship project", International Conference on Public Participation and Information Technologies (ICPPIT03), MIT, USA, 10-12 November 2003
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2003), "Forest Management, Property Rights and Information Systems". In Regiones N°. 11, Spring 2003, pp. 120 to 140.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. & Ferreira, J. Jr. (2003), e-Planning Seminar at MIT (2003), MIT, Dept. of Urban Studies & Planning, 2003, re-published on Ferraz de Abreu, P. et al (2021), " e-Planning & Ubiquity / e-Planeamento & Ubiquidade", 388pp, C-Press, 2021, ISBN 9789899866133
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2002), "New Information Technologies in Public Participation: A Challenge to Old Decision-making Institutional Frameworks". Ph.D. Thesis. MIT , Dept. Urban Studies and Regional Planning, Cambridge, USA, May 2002 .
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2001), "GIS Technology: New threat to privacy, new promises for citizen empowerment", Journal of Participatory Science, 1(1), pp. 24-43, ISSN 2183-8399
- Rego, M. & Ferraz de Abreu, P. (orgs). (2001). "Bibliotecas & Novas Tecnologias", Actas do Colquio 'Bibliotecas & Novas Tecnologias: Como combater a info-excluso', co-organizado pela Camara Municipal de Lisboa e pelo CITIDEP, 11. 12 e 13 de Outubro de 2000, Forum Lisboa. Edio da Camara Municipal de Lisboa, Departamento de Cultura, 142 pags, ISBN 972-8695-06-3
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2001), "Uma biblioteca pública numa sociedade de informação obcecada pelo mercado: desafios e oportunidades". 2001. Dept. de Cultura da Camara Municipal de Lisboa (Ed.). Colóquio Bibliotecas Publicas e Novas Tecnologias: Como combater a exclusão dos info-pobres? International Colloquium Public Libraries and New Technologies: How to fight info-poor exclusion?), Lisboa, Portugal, October 2000. 142 pages, pp. 9-17.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2001), "Alguns Desafios da Educação em Portugal na Era da Internet e da Democracia Participativa", in Frias Martins, A.M. (ed). 2001. A Investigação Portuguesa: Desafios de um novo milénio, II Encontro de Investigadores Portugueses, Ponta Delgada, Açores, Setembro 1998. Universidade dos Açores e Forum Internacional de Investigadores Portugueses - FIIP, Portugal. 168 pages, pp. 13-22.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2001), "Towards a new framework for citizen mobility within modern democracy", Conferencia Internacional "Ciudadania Migrante y Democracia", Univ. Guanajuato, CICSUG - INAH, Mexico, 8-9 March 2001
- Ferraz de Abreu, P.; Joanaz de Melo, J. (eds.) (2000), Public Participation and Information Technologies 1999. CITIDEP & DCEA-FCT-UNL. 600 pages, ISBN 972-98617-0-6
- Ferraz de Abreu, P.; Joanaz de Melo, J. (2000), "Introducing New Information Technologies in Public Participation: Technology is the Easy Part", in Ferraz de Abreu & Joanaz de Melo (eds). 2000. Public Participation and Information Technologies 1999. CITIDEP & DCEA-FCT-New University of Lisbon. 599 pages, pp393-406.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1999), The impact of new technologies on Portuguese civil society, invited communication, Conference Contemporary Portugal: Reflecting on 25 years of Democracy, Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture of the University of Massachusetts at Darthmouth, USA, October 2-3, 1999
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1998),Projecto IMS - Sistema Multimedia Inteligente para Apoio á Consulta Técnica e Pública", INETI & DGA-MARN & DCEA-FCT-UNL & CITIDEP, January 1998. 160pages
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1998), "An Engineer in the Land of Planning", CRPP, 1998, 1(1) pp. 11-16, ISSN 2183-8380
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. ; Chito, B. (1997) "Current Challenges in EIA Evaluation in Portugal, and the Role of New Information Technologies: -- The Case of S. João da Talha's Incinerator for Solid Urban Waste", in Machado, J. Reis & Ahern, Jack (eds). 1997. Environmental Challenges in an Expanding Urban World and the Role of Emerging Information Technologies. National Centre for Geographical Information (CNIG), Lisboa, Portugal. 538 pages, pp. 1-11.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1996), "Participación y Democracia. La toma de decisiones sociales en la nueva Sociedad de Información" , Conferencia "Desarrollo Social En Mexico. Hacia Un Camino Sustentable, Toluca, Mexico. October 1996 (in press, published by COPOED & Universidad Autonoma del Estado del Mexico / Toluca).
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1995), Metadata for Intelligent Multimedia Sustems,
IMS Working Documents, MIT DUSP, USA, 1995.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1993), "Towards a Definition of Information Systems in Planning", MIT, DUSP - Dept of Urban Studies and Planning, Cambridge, USA. 1993, republished on Towards Information Systems in Planning, MIT (1993)
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1993) "The Bertaud Model: A two-way mirror on the evolution of information technology's impact on planning for low-income housing". Biennial International Housing Workshop, Cambridge, USA. November 1993.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1992) "The rude awakening of the recycling adventurers". The Breakfast Papers #2. MIT, DUSP - Dept of Urban Studies and Planning, Cambridge, USA. December 1992.
- Oliveira, C., Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1990) "Sistemas de Informação Geograficos em Microcomputadores: Aplicações em Planeamento Ambiental". Conference on Remote Sensing '90, Manaus, Brasil. June 1990.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1990) "Intelligent Graphic Interfaces". BUIS'90 Conference , B.U., Boston, USA. April 1990.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1989) "Building knowledge-based graphic interfaces for small Geographic Information Systems". GIS/LIS '89 Conference , Orlando USA. November 1989.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1989) "Intelligent Graphic Interface: Capturing rules of human-computer interaction in a knowledge base". M.S. Thesis. MIT, Media Lab-VLW, Cambridge, USA. September 1989.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1987) "Windad - An expert system for wind data at ocean surface" . M.I.T.- Woods Hole , USA. July 1987.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P., Molina H. (1986) "Guidelines for evaluation, selection and execution control of projects in a large R&D Institute". . M.I.T. - CAES, Cambridge, USA. December 1986.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1986) "Contribuição para o Plano de Implementação de um Sistema Integrado de Informação Geografico/Ambiental em Portugal" . Simposium OTAC - Ordenamento do Território Assistido por Computador, Portugal, Junho 1986. OTAC-86, pp. 124-141.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1985) "MINI-GFP : uma ferramenta de gestao de programação". Simposium DECUS, Portugal. May 1985.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1982) "O Papel do Ensino na Sociedade" . I Seminario de Estudos Associativos, FCT-UNL, Portugal. March 1982.
PhD Thesis Documents
(IMS: Intelligent Multimedia System)
(IT: Information Technology)
English |
Portuguese |
IMS Project: